Social Media

12:54 PM

Facebook, twitter, instigram, are just small snippets of the social media that is all around us, and it isn't leaving anytime soon.  Social media is a large part of our culture today, but at what cost?  I personally have come to the conclusion in recent years that social media has a negative impact on our social ability as human beings.   As I scanned the internet for actual scientific backing for this theory I saw posts on facebook's effect on happiness and how real people are reacting. 

Tuftsdaily , a college paper, noted the many uses of facebook and how you use facebook is the issue more than the time it is used.  The New Yorker's article also sited this research and identified the real issue is if you are being a passive user of facebook or an active one.  When you just scroll through facebook newsfeeds you are likely to show signs of jealousy, loneliness, boredom, and unhappiness.   In contrast when you are actively involved with facebook by posting or liking pictures people often feel closer and happier. 

So, what should you do with all of this information?  If you are anything like me, you hate posting things on facebook because it is feels like bragging that research isn't looking to good.  The article from Tuftsdaily post suggested quitting facebook or limiting your intake to "stalking other."  I do believe this information may give me the push I need to call it quits for good.  It also helps me not be quite so frustrated with everyone that posts all the time though either.  Atleast if your posting and interacting you are profiting from facebook.

Personally I think I'll be logging off for a while, if only it wasn't so addicting.  When did we get so bad as a generation that we couldn't entertain ourselves?  What do you think?  Would you go off the grid or is that to caveman? 

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  1. me personally do not use a lot of social networking sites. I only use my instagram to paint a vivid picture of who I am, and things I do. I love instagram.

    1. I wish I could say the same. I don't have an instagram, but know I would get addicted if I did. I love pictures. They really are worth a thousand words.
